
Decision making

In order to streamline your decision-making process for cross-functional teams and ensure clarity and accountability, we recommend adopting the RAPID approach for key project decisions.


Decision/Action/RecommendationInputs FromAgree (Veto on decision)Decision Maker (CEO if Type1 other if Type2)Performing (person executing)

The RAPID framework emphasises defining clear roles and responsibilities for decision-making, ensuring that all stakeholders are involved appropriately. This page serves as a template to guide you through the RAPID process and facilitate effective decision-making. Please refer to it for future complex decision-making discussions.

  1. R - Recommend The individual responsible for making the recommendation should thoroughly assess the situation, gather relevant information, and formulate a well-informed recommendation. This person will be designated as the "R" in the RAPID approach.
  2. A - Agree The "A" role represents the individuals who need to agree with the recommendation before a final decision is made. These stakeholders should carefully review the recommendation, provide feedback. The agreement of these individuals is vital for moving forward.
  3. P - Perform Once the recommendation has been agreed upon, the "P" role takes charge of executing the decision. This person or team is responsible for implementing the agreed-upon course of action, ensuring timely and effective execution.
  4. I - Input The "I" role signifies individuals who provide valuable input and expertise during the decision-making process. While they do not have the final decision-making authority, their insights and perspectives contribute to the overall quality of the decision.
  5. D - Decide The "D" role holds the ultimate decision-making authority. This person has the final say and is responsible for considering all inputs, reaching a decision, and ensuring alignment with the organization's goals and objectives.
Before you start the process decide if this is a Type1 decision (irreversible and the CEO should be the decision maker) or a Type2 decision (reversible and someone else should be the decision maker).

Below is an outline of you can structure your decision-making discussions using the RAPID approach and a template table to implement RAPIDs.

  1. Define the decision to be made and its importance. If it is a low importance decision affecting only your team maybe you should consider if the RAPID way is not too cumbersome.
  2. Identify the relevant stakeholders and assign RAPID roles accordingly.
  3. The "R" provides a well-informed recommendation based on research and analysis.
  4. The "I" stakeholders provide their input, insights, and potential alternatives.
  5. The "A" stakeholders review the recommendation, provide feedback, and strive to reach a consensus.
  6. The "D" makes the final decision, considering all inputs and ensuring alignment with organizational goals.
  7. Once the decision is made, the "P" takes responsibility for executing the decision.
  8. Regularly review and assess the effectiveness of the decision to identify areas for improvement.

By adopting the RAPID approach, you enhance transparency, accountability, and collaboration in you decision-making process.

Like any framework it has its pitfalls:

  • Don’t include to many people to agree. You don’t have to be polite.
  • Don’t use this framework for every decision, only for cross-functional desicions.
  • Have a filtration procces on RAPIDS
  • Give context to the reason for making decision